Complete Guide To Start Your Career In SEO Content Writing In Bangladesh


The market is huge, for example, according to a study in 2021 saw a 157% increase in the number of freelance writing assignments. Here is one of the many reasons why a career in web content writing is widely possible, but not only in Bangladesh.

Future of web writing market

With millions of websites and thousands being created every day, the mass of content to be produced is immeasurable.

Whether it's product sheets, blog articles, news, corporate content, tutorials, e-books, or even press releases, someone has to write it all. And there are a good number of website owners who are willing to pay for this type of service.

A content writer can work under the responsibility of an editorial manager who is responsible for setting up a content writing strategy.

What is web content writing?

Web writing, or SEO content writing, consists of producing effective content targeted according to the needs of Internet users. Web writers then optimize their texts by adding technical elements that will allow them to be more visible on search engines. When Google robots browse the pages of the website, they analyze a multitude of elements such as the presence of keywords in your titles, paragraphs, image tags, URLs, ETC. Writing content means optimizing it for the search engines and satisfying human beings.

What does a content writer do?

A web editor takes care of the following tasks. 

  • Write texts for websites while respecting language rules
  • Publish articles on social networks and present them to readers

How to become a content writer in Bangladesh

To become a content writer, you have to learn the basics of writing for the Web. It is different from writing for other media.

You also have to learn about SEO-friendly writing in order to position the sites in the search engines.

Check the course of Ghoori Learning to learn content writing and to get a freelance job. 

Sectors recruiting a Content Writer

Several sectors are recruiting content writers. All SMEs need writing expertise when they do digital business.

Private companies such as communication and advertising agencies, as well as IT companies, are places that recruit content writers.

A web writer may also choose to work for governments and municipalities or in the communications department of private companies.

Career prospects for content writers are considered good. With the digital shift undertaken by the majority of companies, they are increasingly looking for advice and expertise in creating marketing content.

So, where does a content writer work? A content writer works in various companies, public or private, for example. 

  • Advertising Agencies
  • Communication agencies
  • Digital Marketing Agencies
  • Governments
  • Municipalities
  • Large businesses
  • Affiliate marketing industries 
  • And other small businesses

According to different popular job portals, here are the job titles for content writers. 

  • Advertising designer or copywriter
  • Essayist
  • Science writer
  • Technical writer
  • Editor
  • Speechwriter
  • Interactive media writer
  • Specification writer
  • Editor of medical and health texts
  • Scriptwriter
  • ETC 

How much will you earn with content writing in Bangladesh as a freelancer?

Actually, it depends on your experience, your ability to write, your pricing, the categories you cover, and the type of client you have.

It also depends on how much time you spend on it. Some web writers work full time, some don't. Some make a substantial living, some don't.

Generally, a content writer makes 30k+ on average. Even some of the writers are making nearly 1 lac and above. You have to remember that it completely depends on your expertise. 

Whether it is to earn more, to enhance your work, or for your personal development, know that all doors are open to the content writer who likes challenges.

Career ideas for the freelance SEO Content writer

Being self-employed isn't for everyone. Some people appreciate the stability, comfort, and security of a salaried job. This allows you to really switch off the office door and devote yourself fully to your personal life. Here are some ways to develop professionally within a large company, a digital agency, or an online newspaper editor, when you are a content editor.

1. SEO Consulting

The mission of the SEO consultant is to improve the visibility of a website and thus increase its organic traffic. The consultant must make his client understand that great content is of little use if it is lost on the 20th page of the SERP. 

To succeed in boosting the natural referencing of the website, the consultant analyzes different parameters.

  • Traffic: number of visits by Internet users and bounce rate
  • Positioning: keywords, positioning in the SERP
  • Competition: identity and strategy
  • Links: quality, 404 error, “NoFollow”
  • The site loading speed
  • Mobile adaptability
  • Security
  • Content: quality, added value, semantic cocoon, duplicate content, HTML markup, etc.

Once all this data has been analyzed, know various SEO tools.

2. Blogger/Affiliate marketer 

As an SEO writer, your direct clients may include professional bloggers or e-commerce site owners. If you are a seasoned content writer, nothing prevents you from creating your own blog and pocketing the earnings generated by advertising, affiliation, or the sale of online services. This will enhance your work and allow you to flourish in an area that is close to your heart.

3. Copywriter

Copywriting is a great way to increase your income when you are a competent web content writer. To do this, you must be able to write texts that give an irresistible desire to take action. For example, subscription to a newsletter, subscription, purchase of products, etc. The reader should feel like you've read their minds and fully understand them. A good copywriter should:

  • Know perfectly the target client and his desires
  • Identify customer needs or problems
  • Identify the obstacle preventing them from taking action
  • Present the solution that would allow customers to move forward
  • This technique is particularly used in viral articles, newsletters, and obviously, in sales pages.

4. Head of digital strategy agency

Clients who wish to deal with only one interlocutor entrust the management of their web project to a structure that manages it from A to, the digital strategy agency.

As such, it supports.

  • The creation or redesign of the website
  • The SEO strategy
  • Writing content optimized for natural referencing
  • Possibly paid referencing campaigns like Google Adwords
  • The creation and animation of the client's social networks.

If you are a resourceful freelance content writer, you have surely already acquired all these skills on the job or through training. Creating your own digital strategy agency can be a great way to enhance your experience.

5. Community manager

This activity can be carried out as a freelancer but according to my research most CM as they are called, are under contract with a brand or a company.

The community manager is responsible for the presence and e-reputation of a brand, company, or celebrity on social networks.

It is responsible for publishing content that will unite Internet users with photos, videos, articles, tweets, etc, and for facilitating exchanges to create a feeling of closeness between the follower and the company represented.

He must carry out a permanent watch to manage his client's image and moderate any inappropriate content as quickly as possible.

If you like spending time on social networks, creating viral content, and interacting with as many people as possible, you can consider taking on the career of community manager!

6. Head of Content writer

The head of a content writer is a web editor specializing in a specific area in which he has developed expertise. At the head of a section or a column, he ensures its consistency and leads the team of editors placed under his responsibility. To do this, he has the right to inspect the angles adopted in the articles.

He must obviously stay at the forefront of information to watch the news or articles in his sector.

Unlike the editor-in-chief or the editorial manager, the head of the content writer does not abandon his pen. He continues to write while coaching his team.

If you have a passion and want to move towards a position of responsibility, the job of head of the content writer could meet your expectations.

7. Editorial manager

Within a web agency, a newspaper editorial staff, or a large company, the editorial manager oversees the content editing process from creation to publication, for sites, blogs, or social networks. It therefore supports.

  • The definition of the company's strategy
  • The drafting of the editorial charter
  • The development of the editorial schedule
  • The management of the team of editors
  • Monitoring results

Having been a writer before becoming an editorial manager is, in my opinion, a real asset, because your experience will allow you to write clear and effective briefings. You will also be more relevant in your team management.

8. SEM Campaigner

SEM means Search Engine Marketing, the combination of natural and paid referencing. The SEM manager defines and optimizes the web marketing strategy as a whole according to the expected return on investment. To do this, he must analyze the communication objectives and define the marketing tools to be used, such as banners, sponsored links, keywords, etc. He writes reports on the results obtained and on the areas for improvement to be considered.

It can be used by a digital strategy agency, an advertiser, an e-merchant, in short, any company aiming for optimal visibility on Google. If you have the skills to make the numbers speak, the job of SEM manager can be a relevant career development.

To sum up…

But to become a professional content writer in Bangladesh, you must have certain qualities. For example, mastering the Bangla and English language perfectly. Often English is considered an asset Good knowledge of the principles of web writing and its particularities. Mastering office tools such as MS Office and Google Workspace. And be able to write on various subjects. Here Ghoori Learning will surely help you to achieve the qualities from the experts. 


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